Basic Troubleshooting
99% of the problems we encounter have to do with the Parallels software which are easily solved by running / an app within Parallels software called ‘Parallels Tools’.
Parallels Tools configures the software that bridges the 2 OSXs, tying the networking, peripherals, processor, RAM etc.. between the Guest and Host.. Parallels Tools runs during the initial setup of OSXFH.
This connection between Host and Guest can become corrupted after software updates to the Host or to the Parallels software or a computer crash.
Below is a step by step guide to reinstall Parallels Tools.
Parallels Tools:
Host = The computer with current OS X on it and Parallels
Guest = OSX 10.6.8 Snow leopard which runs within a parallels window on the Host Computer
First make sure parallels and osxfh are running.
In the Host computer menubar – (upper Right corner of screen) look for 2 Red vertical stripes – this is the menubar control for parallels.
Click on it and from the popdown menu choose Actions / Reset (see screenshot below) – this will restart OSXFH then go to step 2

After OSXFH reboots – go to same Actions Menu and select ‘ Reinstall Parallels Tools – see screenshot below.

This will activate a prompt window on the osxfh window – click Yes – then an yellow install window will open within the Guest OS X window (snow leopard)See screenshot below

After install is completed a green window prompt will appear- click on restart and wait for OSXFH to reboot and start up (this sometimes takes a couple of minutes as everything rewires) see screenshot below
All should be good to go.

Make sure you shut down the guest computer through its shut down command and NOT just Quit the app – this causes memory corruption. A Quit command puts the virtual OS X in to hibernation or a form of sleep that works for PC’s but makes OSX 10.6.8 memory leak and creates issues. See screenshot below:

— Posted on 15 de desembre de 2022 at 12:06 by admin